
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Frame

Remember the St. Patrick's day frame I made using Scrabble tiles? I decided to switch out the fabric and letters for a quick spring project.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Hanging Flowers

Little A and I needed a project this weekend, so we decided to make some flowers to hang from her fan. This was so easy and cheap.

5 sheets scrapbook paper
Hot Glue

Cut strips of paper. Mine were about 7 inches long by about one inch, although I didn't measure mine I just cut.

Use your hot glue gun and put a little dab of glue on the end of a strip and glue together, hold for a second to let it set.

Cut two circles and glue all "petals" to your circle. Then glue other circle on top.

Hang with fishing line and you're good to go. You could also glue a skewer in the middle and stick these in a flower pot.
Linking to:

Keeping it Simple

DIY Showoff

Making the World Cuter

The Girl Creative

Skip to My Lou

Between Naps on the Porch

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lucky Star Lane

If you know me somewhat well or are in my immediate family you know that I LOVE bingo- not just like but adore! You can win prizes and the games are short enough to keep my attention span- but mostly I blame Rick and Stacey for my obsession- you know what you did....

Anyways, I found this GREAT project on Lucky Star Lane (which I LOVE) where she used vintage bingo cards. Ah maz ing! Think I might need to see if I can track some of these down- somehow I don't think my dollar general bingo cards will have the same effect.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beaded Frame

I guess I lived in a blog cave before because I had never heard of Ruffles and Stuff. What?! I know. I found them though and I LOVE them. Check out this awesome

Beaded Frame Tutorial- Really going to have to do this...

Monday, March 22, 2010

From shabby to Fab!

The day we bought the stroller- it never stood a chance....
Isn't the Internet a wondrous place? Lil A has a doll stroller we bought at a yard sale for a buck- best dollar I've even spent- and I've spend a lot throughout my life... Anyways, the seat was ripped when we bought it so I tried to stitch it back together and that worked for a while but that only lasted for so long. I've been thinking about recovering it for a while ... when I found this at Sew Dang Cute!
I don't know if all doll strollers have the same measurements or not- the tag on ours says Toys 'R' Us if that helps.

3/4 yd. fabric
1 pack wide bias tape

Total Cost: $3.75 plus tax

Plus I have enough leftover fabric for two other projects, a luggage tag for someone who knows maybe me and a skirt for lil A.

Old cover, totally destroyed BEFORE I picked it apart.

Lay old cover onto new fabric (all I can say is thank heaven she liked this more than the DORA and Princess fabric). My old cover was one layer of fabric- do these toy makers have kids?! I doubled my fabric so my new cover would be two layers- which should last about three months....

Here are some measurements in case you don't want to pick yours apart.

Middle of the cover.


Bottom piece- most destroyed piece.

Bottom width.

Cut our new pieces, I just cut around the old pieces- I'm not a perfectionist.

Stitch layers together.

Pin on wide bias tape. I had never used bias tape before- LOVED every minute of that! It's so easy.

Stitch bias tape. To do the corners, I just folded under and kept going, the less seams the better- right?

Measure new loops to hold the seat up. I just kept using my bias tape to keep the project as cheap as possible.

*Tip* I am a novice sewer and I novice before sewing thinker- it would be best to pin these under the bias tape and just stitch them on when you stitch that.* Pin straps on and stitch.

I tried to reinforce it as much as possible without making it look too messy.

Now take the bottom piece that you have already stitched around and pin it to the top piece and stitch.

Then add bias tape to all exposed edges and you guessed it... stitch.

Wahoo. Sigh of relief.

Measure out more bias tape for new buckle straps. *Tip* these can also be sewn on when you do the bias tape on the top section- didn't think that far in advance.*
Feed ends through buckles and stitch then stitch to sides.

Forgot to photo journal this last part. Fold the edge of the bottom over and stitch both sides- my fold was about two inches. Really reinforce this seam- this is where they tend to break.

One happy Baby! and one happy Lil A. She sat right by my side the entire project asking me when it would be done and relaying all progress to "baby".

I'm Linking to:

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Petite Purse


If you're like me- you like to find ways to save money- anyway you can! I found a great blog to help with this- My Petite Purse (cute name huh?). Tiffany compiles great gift ideas that are great for the wallet too- she also offers her own tutorials as well. Stop on by and show her some blog love.

I LOVE her Raggedy Ann doll.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dinner table eye candy....

Have you been to It's Fun to Craft yet? Her blog is great, she has lots of fun ideas and a lot that I really want to make. She swapped blogs with Melanie from Crafty Cupboard and Melanie made these darling place mats. So many options and so cute! Go on over for the full tutorial.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well the day has finally come! Happy St. Patrick's Day! I've been ready since Feb. 15th- I've include some fun vintage St. Patrick's Day art for you. I'll be back tomorrow with crafts and a run down of what went on at this crazy house. What did you do? Share your fun ideas!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last Minute St. Patrick's Day Craft

Want ONE more St. Patrick's Day Craft? Need a little present for a friend, teacher etc. Here is a solution that is cheap, easy and FAST. These took me all of five minutes to finish.

Ink Pad
Stamp the word Lucky onto your clothespin.Attach magnets to back.Enjoy!

That cute little guy in the middle? My father in law- how cute is that?


Gift Box Wall Art

If you haven't seen these boxes yet- you're in for a treat. I found these over at Sumo's Sweet Stuff they are made out of gift boxes! What a great collage to cover a big bare wall! Go on over and check our her tutorial!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Library Bag

I have been wanting to make one of these for a really long time. I could picture it in my head and for once the real life creation is every bit as cute as the picture in my head. I wanted Lil A to have her own bag to take to the library. I finally got around to it- enjoy the tut!

First, cut out all of the shapes that make up the owl and iron them onto wonder under. ( I really need a new ironing board cover- working on it)

Iron all the pieces of the owl together. I top stitched the wings, eyes and nose before I ironed the owl onto the bag. Then I top stitched around the edges of the owl.
Add eyes to the owl. Mine are just fabric.

Cut out the word books using a cricut or scissors, iron onto bag and stitch.

Look and enjoy.

This was the hard part for me. I knew I wanted a place to keep the library receipt with the due date. So I cut a square of vinyl and zig zagged it on, leaving about a .25 inch at the top unstitched.

Top stitch ribbon to cover up the zigzag. Remember that .25 inch we left unstitched?- tuck you ribbon under for nice finish. For the corners I just folded the ribbon on an angle and kept sewing- this left less ribbon edges to fray or get caught on things. Place receipts in here so you remember when your books are due.... so you don't have humungo fines like me. Take to the library and stuff with books.

Don't be jealous of our library- it won Library of the year for 2005. It is a wondrous place.

I'm linking to:
Keeping It Simple
The DIY Showoff
Twice Remembered
Making the World Cuter
The Girl Creative