
Friday, August 6, 2010

New Shop Item!

I just added new sibling tees to the shop and I have to say these are my favorite at the moment. I just bought some fabric to add into to the brother tees to make them coordinate a litttle more.
I have also added Halloween Trick or Treat bags.. check them out!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Laundry Room Redo

Finally, here are the pictures of the finished laundry room. Sorry it took so long to get these up. We kept it really simple so my mother in law can make any changes she wants.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A delayed post....

I made these flower pots back in April. When we moved I brought them with me to have a little bit of Fayetteville on display- even if no one here truly appreciates a Hog. I wasn't sure how well they would hold up in the rain, sun, sprinkles and a two year old on watering duty. They have held up surprisingly well.

To make the pots all I did was spray paint them black. Modge podge on either my paper or rhinestones, then I coated the whole pot with a clear gloss.
These can make a great gift when you are in a pinch or are just great to spruce up your porch!

Friday, July 16, 2010


As many of you have read about Preslee this week it's heart breaking for me to tell you that Preslee returned home to a loving Heavenly Father today. Please pray for her family this day. Thank you for all of your comments, prayers, and other contributions to the Sullenger family. If you would like to help the Sullenger family you can contribute here.

Laundry Room Wall Art

I wanted to keep the laundry really simple, fresh and clean. Also, I wanted my mother-in-law to still be able to do a lot to the space to really make it her own. This project was $7.00, and makes a nice impact on the room without over powering it.
Chipboard Letters(Hobby Lobby .99 on sale)
Scrapbook paper (Bo Bunny)
Modge Podge
Black Paint
Foam Brush
Sticky Tack
First I painted the edges of the letters black and let them dry.
Then I traced the letters onto the paper, cut the paper out and modge podged the paper onto the letter- let dry.
Next I took a fingernail file and sanded all the egdes of the letters and modge podged the letters and let dry.

I took sticky tack and hung them on the wall.

Ta da!
Please remember to pray for sweet little Preslee her family needs your prayers now more than ever!
If you would like to help out her family visit this great blog.
I was contacted by Jessica to join their silent auction for Preslee and thought why not? So now is a great time to grab some Lulu's for a great cause!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lulu's Silent Auction Donation

Hello everyone. By now you've probably read about sweet little Preslee and the efforts so many wonderful people are making to help out her family. I was contacted by Jessica to join their silent auction for Preslee and thought why not? So now is a great time to grab some Lulu's for a great cause!

I've donated one sibling to be shirt.

And one sibling tee set.

Head on over and see what other wonderful items you can snag for a great cause!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Silent Auction for Preslee

The wonderful girls over Jessica Larsen Photography are hosting a silent auction and all proceeds go to sweet little Preslee! Go on over and see what great items they have up for auction!

Here is an excerpt from Patrick and Ashley's blog about Preslee.

"This is Pat, Preslee's daddy. Although the last five days have been an extreme blur to us and our family, I felt a strong impression last night to write an update myself. First I just wanted to say thank you. We will never be able to express the gratitude that we have for the many people who are praying and rooting for my little Angel. Preslee has been perfect from day one, she was never a sick baby, she laughed, smiled, looked perfect. When she started getting a little bit older Pres and I began to bond a lot more. She is my little cuddle buddy. We have done almost everything together for the last 18 months. This little girl has become the highlight and focus of our lives. I never truly understood happiness or love until she was born. Preslee is an active little girl. When she started to walk, she started to run. She and I were a lot like at this age is what I've been told. I hope that I can some day be half as brave and half as strong as my little girl has been over the past 5 days. She is so so special.
When I accident first happened I wasn't sure what to think, my worst nightmare was coming to life. To be honest, when I think about the possibility of losing my little girl the thing that scares me the most is that I won't be a Father anymore. I don't know what to do besides being a dad. I love every minute of being a father and spending time with Pres. Although the doctors don't give us much hope or positive outlook for the future we still believe. I can honestly say that our faith in God and in his plan has not wavered. She is in His hands right now. He is a God of miracles and we know that with faith all things are possible. A lot of people have asked me if during this process we have asked, "why us?" or "why would God let something like this happen to our family?" We have had more of the thought process of "why not us?" This was an accident that happened and we are trying to deal with this the best we can and that is with patience and the gospel of Jesus Christ. We never realized how many sick children and families are in PCMC. There is a family from Blackfoot that had their little girl drowned last Wednesday. Please pray for the Jensen's and all of the other children here in the hospital. We appreciate your love and support so much.
My wife is amazing. Every time one of us feels a little weak the other(Ashley) lifts me back up. I have never felt so helpless just sitting and watching. My beautiful wife is holding our angel girl right now and it has been pretty amazing to see my wife smile throughout this whole event. We thank you so much for your prayers and compassion. Little Preslee needs our prayers, love and support during this time. She is still critical and not making much progress as of now but we still have faith and believe all things are possible with God's help. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! She's already has been "Daddy's little Miracle". Patrick, Preslee's daddy."

Memo Board Refashion

This is the first project from the laundry room redo that I am going to show you. When I was cleaning out the laundry room I found this memo board and decided to dress it up to match the room.
Hot Glue
Staple Gun
Step one: Take buttons off the memo board- mine were just glued on.

Step Two: Measure fabric and trim the fabric to fit the board.

Step Three: Staple fabric around board, pulling tight.

Step Four: Measure ribbon lengths and cut.

Step Five: Staple fabric onto the back of the board, stretch across the front of the board and staple on the other side.

Step Six: Staple where the ribbons meet.

Step Seven: Cut out fabric squares slightly larger than the buttons. Uncover buttons.

Step Eight: Place a drop of glue on the front of the button.

Step Nine: Press fabric to button.

Step Ten: Trim fabric.

Step Eleven: Place a drop of hot glue on back of button and press fabric into middle.
Step Twelve: Glue buttons onto front of memo board.

Linking to these parties!

Make sure to read about "Prayers for Preslee."

Laundry Room Redo...

Some of you faithful readers may or may not know that we have moved and are living in Utah in my in-laws basement apartment. As a thank you for letting us live here with our rather active borderline crazy 2 yr. old we thought we would redo their laundry room for them while they were out of town for the week. (Last year my sister-in-law and I redid the craft room- I'll post that later) Here are the befores.... stay tuned to see the final result later this week. As you can see the previous house owner bless their heart was in LOVE with wallpaper- she wall papered every surface she could- including the laundry room. Along the way I'll show you some of the projects that are going into this little room.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Glitter Toes

Alright, if you're like me you have a lot of glitter around your craft room- why? because almost everything looks better sparkly- Well brake out that glitter and a diet coke for this tutorial.

Fine Craft Glitter
Clear Nail Polish
Old Toothbrush, paint brush, eyelash brush...
Diet Coke

Step One: Coat toes with clear nail polish- I just do one toe at a time because you don't want the nail polish to dry before the next step. (Place a piece of paper under your foot to catch the glitter- waste not want not- especially with glitter!)
Step Two: Sprinkle glitter onto toe- go ahead go crazy ...

Step Three: Tap of excess glitter by tapping just above the nail.

Step Four: Repeat until whole foot is done. Tap again and shake the excess glitter back into container. Wait. Drink Diet Coke while nails are drying.

Step Five: Take your brush and carefully brush around the nail to remove excess glitter, using nail polish remover if necessary(when doing your 2 year old it will be necessary).
Top Coat and let dry.

Enjoy Sparkly Toes!

Note: After your first shower your toes will look even better as excess glitter is removed from foot.

Also. Glitter toes last FOREVER if you like to change your polish a lot use the professional strength remover or plan on a significant time spent scrubbing.

Glitter toes look at their very best at the pool- so hang out at the pool often...

Linking to these great parties.

Please take time to read the post Praying for Preslee- she can use all the help we can give her!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pray for Preslee

This is Preslee, she is a friend of ours. Preslee is a fighter- she is fighting for her life at Primary Children's Hospital.

"At around 8:00 Friday night Preslee fell into a canal in Rigby(Idaho). About 2 miles down the canal a farmer who was working in the water saw her and immediately started CPR. His brother was with him and called 911. She was air lifted to EIRMC (Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center) and then flown down to Primary Children's Hospital... No one knows what the outcome of this all will be, but what we all know is that little Preslee is strong and courageous, and so is her family. Please keep them in your prayers."
(taken from their family blog)

I know how wonderful the blogging community is- especially the craft loving blogging community so I'm asking you to pray for this sweet little girl and for her family.
She needs all the prayers, positive vibes, thoughts anyone can send.

If you would like to help in other ways a blog has been set up for the Sullenger family-

If you would like updates on this amazing little girl you can go to:

Thank you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Flower Box Challenge

So remember the flower boxes I posted awhile ago? Well Kelli, over at WhimsiKel has been telling me about some flower boxes at a house near her in-laws...

Yeah- those are vintage windows with flower boxes hanging from them! These are similar to the pallet flower boxes but if you have a porch you might be able to actually do these! Head on over to Kelli's blog to see more pics and send her some blog love! Thanks Kelli!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mother's Day #2


Okay, so moving is taking WAY more time than it should! But here is another quick, easy, fun and CUTE present for Mother's Day! I saw this idea awhile ago and more recently but I cannot remember where I saw it- if you have seen it too- tell me where. (the hands are in red polka dot fabric, with little trees in the corner! The little girl's name is something really cute.)

Anyways, my good friend and I were talking about what to do for Mother's Day and TADA we did these! By the way said friend is a self professed non-crafter and hers turned out SO cute- so go ahead and give this project a try.

8x10 Canvas
Scrapbook Paper
Modge Podge (of course)
Cricut (not necessary but makes project easier)
Diet Coke
Box of Oreos- to keep the 2yr. olds at bay

Step One: Cut out name. Trace hands of 2 yr old (stuff an Oreo in their mouth- they'll sit still). Cut out hands, and any embellishment you choose to add- I did flowers.

Step Two: Lay paper on canvas obsess about which way is best while sipping on Diet Coke, finally decide to go with way number one and modge podge.

Step Three: Let dry.

Step Four: Check 2 yr old's hands for cookie residue and then hand project to her for a picture. Get project back with an Oreo hand print and wipe off. DONE~

Repeat as many times as necessary including one for yourself since it's so dang cute!

Told you it was easy.

Linking to these FABULOUS parties!