
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Cute Flower Box....

I got a comment from a reader, Michell, and she linked to a GREAT flower box she made out of an old chair! Love it! Plus, she has a great blog Thoughts and Ideas, check it out!

Do you have a flower box you've made out of something? I'd love to see it!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flower Box

I've got flower boxes on my mind, mostly because I have a great balcony that is practically begging for them. I know exactly how they would look and what flowers I would put in them- if I weren't moving in three weeks.

So, because I can't do my own flower boxes I will show you a picture of the best flower box I have ever seen. If you can top these babies, leave a comment with a link to the flower boxes I gotta see them. These boxes are outside a shop just off Dickson Street in Fayetteville.

Talk about reduce, re-use, recycle- these are just amazing!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mother's Day Idea #1...

Well I'm finally back to blogging thank you to my loyal 10 readers who stuck it out with me. The show went really well and all my orders are almost filled.. yay! Husband is in the middle of his last week of law school finals... double yay! And I have a house to pack for our big move across the country to Utah... But enough about me let's get to the real reason you're here- a craft.

Mother's Day is coming up and if you're like me you're scratching your head trying to think of something new to give to the woman who gave life to you- no pressure right? Well for the next week I will showcase easy, cheap, and meaningful presents that you can give to that sweet lady.

Today's idea is a dvd of your family throughout the past year or an event or whatever. But the tutorial is not about how to make the dvd, it's how to makeover the dvd case.

First find a case. Then pull out the cover of the case and trace on to the paper of your choice (this dvd is actually for an outgoing missionary). Cut out paper.

Yeah, we own Shrek- don't judge.

I inked the edges of mine.

Add something to the front of the case. Since this is for a boy I kept it simple, but you could really go crazy, add a picture, etc.

Slide into case. Done.

Now that great dvd or cd full of pictures has a cute home!

Linking to these parties.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Hair Clip

I finally made some fabric flowers and I loved to make them! Fast, easy, and cheap. I bought an 1/8 of a yard for 38 cents and it's enough to make at least 3 or four and thats being very generous. These are what I like to call a rewarding craft because they are so easy and fast and if you mess up they just look better. I used the tutorial here ( I get a lot of things here(because Heidi Swapp in my opinion is the ultimate- I spent a whole summer learning to write like her- yeah I know) as my paypal account frequently shows).

Lil A in all of her easter goodness.

Linked up to these parties!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Garland

Spring is finally here in Arkansas- despite 7 inches of snow on the first day of spring- and we are loving it even if I have to sing "popcorn popping" EVERYTIME we drive somewhere... What better way to declare that spring is here than this banner! Go check out Sweet Something Designs- make sure you have time to sit and read all her old posts though... great great great ideas!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alphabet Art

I LOVE this project! These alphabet balls are everywhere but have you tried to buy some? EXPENSIVE. This project is so great that it even got a "wow that's cool" from the husband- that's impressive. Head on over to Red Heads Craft More Fun for the tutorial and other fabulous projects.

Blog Award

My first award! Special thanks to Kelli from Whimsi Kel for stopping by, reading my blog (it's still weird to me that people read my blog like I read other craft blogs), and liking it enough to send some sunshine my way!

The rules of this award are as follows:
Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
Pass the award to 12 bloggers.Link the nominees within your post.
Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

I nominate

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dress Up Box

If your house is like my house, the dress up clothes are starting to take over. This is a great solution that is practical, cheap and CUTE! I can't wait to see the box she makes for her girls! Head on over to (you're going to love her blog name) A Girl and a Glue Gun and look at all the cute things she has done!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Calling All Crafters...

My spring show is taking up more time than I had anticipated not to mention I'm still potty training lil I would LOVE to see your fantastic creations! Leave a comment with a link to your project and I would LOVE to feature some of my favorites in the days leading up to the show!

Fabric Flowers

Fabric flowers are everywhere you look these days- go here for a fresh take on this idea. Sew 4 Home has some great ideas. Pretty sure I'm going to have to make some of these... after the spring craft show- there are only so many hours during the day after all...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Genius

Easter egg time is upon us... yeah I just found out early this week Easter is this Sunday... I've been living in my pre-craft fair bubble that consists of hot glue, super glue, diet coke and reruns. Anyways- when I was little my mom would always do eggs with us I remember that one year she had us blow the yokes out so we could make egg people with pipe cleaners and eyes- they were awesome. But blowing the eggs out was NOT awesome- I remember how hard it was- I also remember that my mom had to blow out more than her fair share. Mom- where was Martha Stewart that day. Check this out- use the baby nose sucker you have stuck in the back of your cabinet!
P.S. You don't have to buy an egg coloring kit, use 1 cup water, 1 tsp. vinegar, and food coloring. Save yourself two bucks and buy a diet coke and a peanut butter egg to eat by YOURSELF after you spend all that time cleaning up spilled egg color and cracked eggs.