
Friday, January 29, 2010

Valentine Love...

Target has a really cute set of Valentine dishes that I have had my eye on, but I just can't spend the money on a set that is just for Valentine's. So, I decided to make a card inspired by those super cute dishes. Here are my results.
(Right click on the picture to save as- then open it in any program to print.)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ice Storm please don't come...

In honor of the approaching ice storm I have posted this little gem which is the way I would much prefer large amounts of ice- you can find it here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My First Tutorial...

I came across this the other day and I knew that I had to try it. I had the perfect pair of shoes in mind- gross ugly shoes destined for the salvation army. The great news is that I got them for $5.00 from Limited Too (yeah they make shoes in my size). Any way the fake patent leather and cork never really went together.Lay out enough fabric to cover your shoe. I had a few fabrics I was deciding between but at the end of the day in a couple months I can just change the fabric out.Lay on shoe just to make sure you have enough.
Cut down the middle to just before you reach the shoe. Cover the shoe in modge podge. Put fabric on shoe and pull nice and tight over the shoe.

Cut slits in the fabric that will cover the inside of the shoe, and modge podge the fabric up and over the shoe, pull tight.

If you are doing a sling back like me take your piece of fabric and fold it under and glue down so you have a nice edge. If you are doing a flat or other shoe- take one edge and glue down, then take the other end and fold under and glue on top- for a nice finished edge. Of course I couldn't find my exacto knife and since I was bound and determined to finish, I just used my rotary cutter. Unless your rotary cutter is much sharper than mine I suggest finding an exacto knife or using the blade on your fabric scissors.
Once you have trimmed everything, cover the entire shoe in modge podge.

I am going to take some 3/8 ribbon and cover up my rough edges on the inside, just because I'm not in love with the way it looks.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I just LOVE this take on displaying your New Year's Resolution, I especially love that one of her resolutions is to eat more vegetables. You can find the tute here.

Headboard Substitute

I thought I would post some pictures of a project I did awhile ago. I took an old cupboard door and sanded it down, then painted the middle with chalkboard paint, finished the edges with a red paint I liked, and then added picture hangers to the back so I could hang it on the wall. I left all of the original hardware on it because I like how it looked, but you could take it off of yours. Ignore my lame attempt at paisley in the corner.
I have been looking for a good place to hang it for a while now but finally decided to hang it right above our bed since we don't have a headboard.
In response to your questions, I didn't make the bedding- I WISH I had, I got in on, for super cheap. I DID, however, cover the pillows you see in the front- they were old, they were ugly- now they are at least presentable. Plus, you have to have like 50 pillows on your bed anyways right?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Scarf Tutorial

Last night my cute sister in law and I were out blog surfing and came across this scarf made from an old t-shirt! We loved it and immediately began brain storming which of our husbands old tees would be our first victim. Long story short the husbands revolted and I am off to salvation army to try and find a color I like later today. Until I post my results drool over this tutorial by Vermillion Rules.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Valentines Picks

Here are some darling Valentines finds from Enjoy!
(All these items are for sale and can be purchased by clicking on their link!)

LOVE this banner, and I love that everything on the mantel in the picture coordinates.
I just like the idea of these heart crayons, they are a cute alternative to giving candy to friends.

Simple, sweet, enough said.

I think this would be super cute hanging on a wall or on a little easel on the counter.

This makes me want to go back to Target and buy one of the mailboxes there and try my own hand at a cute valentine mailbox.

Alexander Henry fabric need I say more? I love that it is paired with a cute zebra print. TOO Cute!

Save the Date

Just a friendly little reminder to Save the Date for the Spring NWA Boutique Show:
Saturday April 17th
Springdale Convention Center